5 August 2013
Day 2
Wet start of the day
After a long and uncomfortable night it was time to get up and... put my wet clothes back on! That nice roasting stove of last night didn’t have enough wood in it to dry anyone’s clothing or boots! Putting the wet clothes back on was everything but a pleasure, luckily breakfast came and after a few bowls of hot tea and bread with jam I was as ready as I could be. I packed all my stuff up and tied my saddlebag back onto my saddle, went outside and picked my new horse, another chestnut, I name him Pete. The weather hasn’t changed much from last night, it’s still raining but fortunately it’s not cold so it’s doable. Up and down the rainy any and misty hills, I catch up with a little group and ride on with them, along the jeep track past all the rocks that have been swept down hill by all the rain. A couple km’s further a dog is chasing the group of riders in front of me, I canter past them and the dog starts chasing me, barking and trying to bite in Pete’s heels and my feet. I’m screaming and yelling at him and it seems to do the trick, he goes back to the group behind me. I decide to keep following the jeep track while the other behind me take a different route, those are the moment that I started wondering if I was going the right way, but according to my GPS I’m doing fine, so continue the track. Over the big hill and about an hour later I can see the others on a different hill about 1km behind me and it look like the dog is still following them! Lara and Georgie catch up with me, we see this big sandpit in front of us, and we’re suddenly in the desert. Though a creek and canter along the jeep track and there is urtuu 3.
I’m still soaked from top to toes, I go into the ger and get some lovely hot tea, biscuits and lucky me I got some chocolate of the medic team. They must’ve felt sorry for me when I told them how cold and wet I was, hahaha >:- ) I was sort of warmed up and picked my new horse, a palomino and I called him White Tips, because he had very cute white tipped ears. I see Lara about a km ahead and canter up to her and we continue to ride together, but we’re on the wrong side of the valley! Now we have to cross a couple deep narrow creeks, I try carefully at the first bend but White Tips is not happy about the idea of crossing this creek and tries to turn around but falls over! There am I half in the creek with my horse, stupid animal is to bloody stubborn, I get back on and manage to get White Tips through the creek, I’m wet now anyway so a little bit more water, who cares?! Finally we’re on the right side and there we catch up with Georgie again, along the way we’re having lots of fun and the horses travel all well together. We come past a young boy who is mustering the families horses back to their ger and open valley’s surrounded by hills. The weather is still not nice, it’s drizzling but there is a cool wind now and makes the riding conditions chilly. We’re 8 km’s away from urtuu 4 and I decide to go around the hill instead of over it, Lara and Georgie decide to go over it, and so we separate our ways. White Tips is happy and still fresh so we canter off to the next station, the last 500meter I get back to a walk a make sure White Tips has something to drink out of a puddle and eats some grass. When we get in camp his heart rate is 80bpm, I walk him around and give him a nibble of grass and 5 minutes later I present him again, 62bpm and everything else is good to, so I can pick a new horse and get something to drink and eat. There are 2 different families offering their horses at this station, both groups of horses look amazing, all in good condition with straight legs and no one has any rubs. Again I ask them for a fast and good horse, after some thinking one of the men shows me a dark buckskin, the horse looks great and is a good size so I pick him. While I quickly warm up and get something to eat, they saddle my new horse for me and take it for a little ride to make sure he is safe for me to continue with. Partially I’m warmed up and fit to go again, I get on my new mount and before I know I’m off! There’s no stopping this horse, he’s ready to eat some km’s! Over the jeeptrack I follow my route with help of my GPS, but every puddle I canter past my new horse “Dj” had to shy at them which made it a very interesting ride for the first 5km’s, after that he was over his bullshit and just cantered with on in a great pace. I ride through amazing long and forever going valleys with beautiful flowers and herds of goat and sheep everywhere, in the distance I can see a few cream colours foxes playing and a bit later a big Golden eagle who just caught a gerbil for dinner. Gerbils are rodents that live in huge parts of Mongolia. They live underground and make lots of little tunnels everywhere, this makes it sometimes really hard to walk with your horse over the ground as they tend to sink away in the collapsed tunnels of the gerbils.
The last 10km’s is rather slow, the only thing Dj is interested in is eating, at least the weather has cleared up and even the sun is shining now. Great, at least I will dry up a little! I arrive at urtuu 5 at 8pm and decide to stay there and rest up for the next day. Within half an hour Georgie and Lara come in and also decide to stay, the medics roll in to stay the night at our station and they brought some beers and choco pies with them! I need to have these medics at every station I thought, choco pies and beer, I can survive on that for the whole 1000km with ease! It was lovely warm in our ger, the best things were that we’re the only 3 in the whole ger and we had a mattress to sleep on. After dinner, our tired and sore bodies were ready to call it a night.